Fraunhofer is Europe’s largest application-oriented research organization. Our research efforts are geared entirely to people’s needs: health, security, communication, energy and the environment. As a result, the work undertaken by our researchers and developers has a significant impact on people’s lives.


Researcher for filter development and project coordinator
– develops and optimizes the optical filter
– characterizes prototypes and intermediate results, in-line with filter fabrication at TUC
– strengthens its knowledge on Fabry-Pérot-Interferometers in order to provide high resolution spectral filters for various application scenarios and increases its knowledge on nano structures.

Chemnitz University of Technology is a public university in Chemnitz, Germany. With over 9,000 students, it is the third largest university in Saxony. It was founded in 1836 as Königliche Gewerbschule and was elevated to a Technische Hochschule, a university of technology, in 1963. Within the area of Materials and Intelligent Systems, the university focuses on the research and development of innovative materials and material systems as well as new integration technologies, for example, in vehicle construction, renewable energy technology and medical technology. Functional applications through intelligent systems are of particular importance. Key partners provide a catalyst for national and international initiatives, of which the university’s Center for Microtechnologies (ZfM) is a member.

The ZfM is a special research center at the Technische Universität Chemnitz. The institute is active in the fields of advanced technologies for microelectronics, microsystems and silicon micromachining as well as nanotechnologies.


Algorithm and hyperspectral data analysis researcher
– Develops spectral-spatial deep learning algorithm
– Analysis hyperspectral data in close cooperation with InHort
– Trains, validates and tests deep learning algorithm together with partners
– Strengthening of knowledge in hyperspectral image processing with deep learning Filter Manufacturer
– TUC and ENAS closely work together in realizing micro- and nanosystems, TUC provides clean room facilities

The Institute of Horticulture – National Research Institute is a unique scientific unit where innovative solutions are created in cooperation with entrepreneurs from the horticultural sector. The implemented results of R&D work bring economic benefits to Polish farms.


Agricultural know-how carrier in Europes horticulture-capitol
– Provides substantial knowledge on agricultural know-how
– Helps define limits, restrictions and requirements for the technical system
– Supports in closing the gap towards end users
– Can directly use outcomes of the HortiQD system and project for further knowledge generation and generation of novel projects, cooperations and investigations
Agritechnological developer
– Develops a mount for the spectral system, obligatory in order to ensure acceptable capturing conditions, e.g. considering rough grounds, vibrations, etc.

As one of the three advanced research institutes within CEA Tech, Leti serves as a bridge between basic research and industry. His mission is to create value and innovate with industry. The core competencies of Leti bring it in the core of the IoT and High Computing world combining low power solution, nanoelectronics, sensors, connectivity technologies and security. Backed by its portfolio of 2,800 patents, Leti partners with large industrials, SMEs and startups to tailor advanced solutions that strengthen their competitive positions and their high tech image. The Institute has launched 54 startups to date. Its 8,500m² of latest-generation cleanroom space feature 200mm and 300mm wafer processing of micro and nano solutions for applications ranging from space to smart devices. With a staff of more than 1,800 including 250 PhDs and post-docs, Leti is based in Grenoble, France, and has offices in Silicon Valley and Tokyo.


QD detector researcher and integrator
– Develops the innovative QD stack, necessary to build QD detectors
– Closely cooperates with ST to cover all facilities and knowledge necessary Increases European knowledge on quantum dot Technology.

Our family business has existed since 1991 and emerged from the LPG “May 1st”. In 2011 we began converting our areas organically. We have been growing our fruit crops biodynamically since 2015 and are now a leading producer of organically produced soft fruit and specialty crops. Apples , red and black currants, gooseberries and raspberries , quinces and pears are grown on around 313 hectares . We are also constantly expanding these main crops with new crops such as rose hips, jostaberries and nettles. One of our specialties is the cultivation of aronia . Our aronia plantations in Coswig, with almost 80 hectares of cultivated area, form one of the largest contiguous cultivation areas in Germany.


Ecological farmer
– Shares knowledge on ecological farming
– Pushes the capabilities of sustainable farming to a maximum in order to fulfil the own claim: producing healthy, ecologically grown apples while offering them with competetive prices
– Uses the HortiQD system in own orchards in order to further expand the limits of eco-horticulture.

RESI S.p.A. has been a technology partner of leading Service Providers for over thirty years, preserving and enhancing their most important asset, the network. The experience and skills consolidated over the years, combined with constant investments in R&D, allow to turn the customer’s actual needs into practice, by developing sophisticated ICT solutions for the management of 5G and 4G networks, and assuring a superior level of end-user quality of experience in a national and international context.

The company and its people stand out for their strong engineering know-how in the design, development and management of Service Assurance solutions based on proprietary Deep Packet Inspection technology, Quality Assurance in contact centres and Digital Tansformation for both private and public companies.


Software platform developer
– Develops software platform focused on collection and “fusion” of heterogeneous data.
– improves our capabilities in sensor networks and design an adaptive user interface to display tabular, time series graphics and georeferentiated data to the end user.

We are a global semiconductor company serving customers with innovations that make a positive impact on people’s lives. Our advanced technology forms the hidden part of the world we live in today. We create and deliver our technology as microchips (or just “chips”), which are embedded in the most advanced innovations.

They are an essential part of products as diverse as electric cars and key fobs, giant factory machines and data centers, washing machines and hard disks, and smartphones and toothbrushes.


Detector developer and manufacturer
– Shares existing, innovative QD detectors and CMOS read out technology with the consortium, i.e. designs, know-how and hardware, especially in close cooperation with CEA – strengthens its market leader position in QD detector by expanding the wavelength range up to 2 μm which promises enormous cost-saving potential in manufacturing

Warrant Hub, part of Tinexta Business Innovation, is the leading strategic and financial consulting company for innovation, digital transformation, and sustainable business development. With a structure of over 900 professionals, Warrant Hub has been operating for almost 30 years throughout Italy. It has gained experience in different sectors of the industrial fabric, building a portfolio of over 10,000 clients. The network of partnerships in academia, technology, finance, and institutions allows Warrant Hub to present itself as a partner capable of supporting companies in the increasingly complex challenges they face. To support research, development and innovation projects, production investments and digitalisation, the Warrant Hub team provides companies with its transversal, technical and technological skills, and its many years of experience in the field of concessional finance. Founded in Correggio where it maintains its headquarters, it operates throughout Italy as well as in Belgium, Bulgaria, France, and Spain.

Since 2008, the European Funding Development (EFD) Business Unit of Warrant Hub S.p.A supports enterprises and private and public bodies, at national and international level, in participating to and managing Research and Innovation projects funded by the European Commission. EFD offers methodological and strategic consultancy for approach and participation in European research and innovation funding programmes, like Horizon Europe and LIFE Programme, in a complete cycle from the analysis of the sectorial policies to the conclusion of the research and innovation projects. EFD supports its customers and partners in networking, project ideas definition, project planning/submission, negotiation, management, dissemination, and exploitation of project results. EFD also participate directly to the European projects with the roles of coordinator and partner for project management, communication, dissemination, and exploitation.


Dissemination and Exploitation expert
– Professionally supports the whole consortium in disseminating and exploiting the results.
– Know-how carrier regarding European projects.

ABS Optronics is recognised as a leading developer of cameras and optical sensors in Germany and beyond. Our story begins in 1990, when ABS was founded by Dr. Günter Uhlrich as a company for digital signal and image processing, as well as electronics development in Jena. In the early years ABS developed innovative products for voice control units. The company received the innovation award of the free state Thuringia for their work. Despite the success in this segment, in 2003 ABS started focussing on the development of cameras and sensors by combining the knowledge in signal and image processing as well as electronics production. Since then we engineered more than 100 different camera types, either to our customers requirements or for our own portfolio. So far more than 10.000 units were delivered to over 100 customers. In 2015 ABS combined three different locations into their new main headquarter. The new headquarter offers the space for housing the needed equipment to produce Optronics solutions of the highest standards under one roof.

The ABS was integrated into the H-Tech Group as their dedicated Optronics flagship in May 2021. One year later the company was aptly renamed ABS Optronics. Since the integration into the group, the company portfolio was extended with dedicated cameras for aircrafts and utility vehicles.


Machine-Vision developer
– Develops and builds camera including optics, packaging etc.
– Opens up new business areas in SWIR range with focus on affordable products.

SITIA, created in 1986, engineering company designs and manufactures from the outset of the special machines innovative in the fields of automation, simulation, mechanical and industrial computing. Created originally for the transfer of technologies from labs to industry, SITIA is today a recognized player in the test bench in automotive, aerospace, rail, agricultural machinery or even Cycle.
The whole design of the test benches is carried out in its integrated design offices.
SITIA also has a robotics innovation Department that builds on its expertise of design and realization of special machines and integrated skills robotics.


Autonomous tractor manufacturer
– Provides a platform for field tests and automated monitoring and experience in agricultural task automation.
– Adds value to the existing product by integrating spectral and analysis module provided by partners.
– Brings the project’s results to end-users.

Rivoira’s business history began after World War I thanks to the intuition of Giovanni Rivoira, a pioneering innovator in farming who successfully devoted himself to fruit production and trade.

Thanks to the skills that they have inherited and the technical expertise which they continuously update, Rivoira and Kiwi Uno are now private sector leaders in the sale of apples, kiwi, bone fruits and cherries. The Group monitors all of its fields and works on a daily basis to ensure the highest levels of quality.


Conventional farmer
– Shares knowledge on farming in general, with focus on farmers needs, requirements and limits.
– Uses the HortiQD system in own orchards in order to optimally manage their industrially used facilities.

The Foundation for research, innovation and technological development of Piedmontese agriculture (Agrion) was founded in 2014 by the will of the Piedmont Region and Unioncamere Piemonte with the task of interpreting the needs of the various production chains and carrying out research at their service.


Agricultural know-how carrier
– Strongly cooperates with Rivoira in order to evaluate the systems capabilities in the field-tests period and supports investigations on storage topics and post-harvest quality control topics.
– Gains knowledge on spectral analysis potentials in order to expand their own capabilities.